Bait Al Nokhada Tents & Shades L.L.C. prides itself as one of the leaders in the Tents and shades Industry. We provide the custom-made traditional tents, aluminium tents, car parking shades and smart shades allowing us to give our customers the best service possible on-site. We use a wide range of fabric and materials such as PVC, KNITTED SHADE CLOTH (HDPE), PTFE, COTTON CANVAS, BAIT SHA’AR (GOAT HAIR), WOOD, FIBER GLASS AND ALUMINIUM. Furthermore we are specialized in making ARABIC TRADITIONAL TENTS FROM GOAT HAIR WOOLEN FABRIC with interior designing supporting with 3D models. We are also specialized in manufacturing BANQUET TENTS, RELIEF TENTS, CAMPING TENTS, MOBILE TENTS AND ALL KINDS OF PVC TENTS.
Bait Al Nokhada has the wide-ranging information technology system in its facility. The Company has embraced the latest manufacturing technologies from France, Germany and Saudi Arabia.
The entire staff and management of the company are thoroughly professionals. They stick to deadlines and deliver quality services. The company has gained good clients in less time due to their effective working style and good service.
More information about Bait Al Nokhada LLC can be accessed on the Internet at : www.baitalnokhada.com
For Enquiry Call : +971 2 555 (8368)TENT
Office : +971 2 5545580
Fax: +971 2 5545582
Email: emarketing@baitalnokhada.com
Bait Al Nokhada- Solar Panel Shades
Our latest Product is THE SOLAR PANEL CAR PARKING/BROOKLYN that we have come up in the time of need as the demand of electricity is growing. The solar panel car parking can generate sufficient electricity for the consumption of a small house all year long.
Solar shades(Green Shades)


Visit Our Website for more information about products & services.
Email: emarketing@baitalnokhada.com
Call us: +971-2-555-(8368)TENT
Our office locations in UAE

With regards,
E-marketing Team
Bait Al Nokhada Tents & Fabric Shades LLC
Abu Dhabi
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